Tuesday, 31 March 2015


Hi, I'm going to speak about one of the most important tourist attraction in Peñiscola. It is the North Beach.

North Beach is the bigest and most beautiful beach of Peñiscola. It goes from the Peñiscola's castle to Benicarlò and when summer arrives it begins to get crowded. The sand isn't white but it is natural, it is brown. The water of the beach is cleany and transparent.There are lots of hotels and apartaments along the beach where you can stay if you want to come to Peñiscola. In summer there are some activities which are done in the beach such as: Tag Fit, Volleyball Championships, Beach Football...

I think Peñiscola is the best place to travel. Lot of people around the world come to Peñiscola in summer to have fun, to meet people and relax. Peñiscola has a long history and a lot of culture, there are old buildings such as the Castle, and beautiful pleaces like the North Beach. Another important tourist attraction is the gastronomic one, you can try the Paella, it is really tasty and nice.

This tourist attraction is important because in summer the weather is really hot and the beach is the perfect place to refresh yourself. It is also important because some tourists come to Peñiscola for the beach.

For more information about Peñiscola contact:

Information and Tourism
Telephone: 964 48 02 08

Cristina Reyes, Abril Orts, Veronika Vithanage, Javier Castell.

Tourism of sun and beach

Tourism of sun and beach is a type of tourism localized on the country coast next to the sea, and it's a tourism of summer.

The tourists normally live in country's that are in the north and they are looking to escape from the cold going to places with sun and beach.

In the locations where are tourism of sun and beach usually have lots of hotels and activities for leisure time like kitesurfing, surfing, kayaking, etc. During the day they usually go to the beach where they sunbathe and the evening activities are performed in different hotels or recreation areas.

This type of tourism is very important  for the locations of the coast because the tourist spend money and this money goes to the shops and restaurants of the location.

You can go for information about the beaches and coves of Peñiscola to http://www.peniscola.es/en/what-we-offer-you/beaches-and-coves-of-peniscola/#.VRuSo_lvNWU.

Grupo 16: Marc Simó, Alex Hilliou, Nerea Ortiz i Anna Palau